Location: Nashua, NH, USA | Event Overview | Venue/Accommodations | Contact Us
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Thursday April 3, 2025 9:00am - 10:10am EDT
Learn how Blackstone Valley Tech's strategies and student support services resulted in  0 % dropout and 100 % completion rates. The session will feature a video production built by students. Presenters will describe the multifaceted ingredients of student support services, including vignettes from the on-campus wellness center, nutritionist, counseling personnel, transition center, external crisis counselor services, and behavioral conflict supports focusing on students' mental and physical lifelines. Participants will learn techniques with proven results to use in their schools, gain insight into a population impacted by diverse and challenging student characteristics, and discover how students' mental health needs are addressed.  
Thursday April 3, 2025 9:00am - 10:10am EDT

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